Tuesday, November 16, 2010


DAY 2: And so it has officially begun! We are now in our second day of classes with 11 pastors, 3 pastor's wives, and another 2 pastors on the way! We are extremely grateful to the Lord for bringing these specific people here and they are already encouraged with the new information that they're receiving! As you can probably tell, we're pretty excited around here and just really enjoying this time. Please continue to pray for us here, we can't do this on our own and need your continual prayers against the forces of darkness!

Pray specifically for the teachers, that they will be Spirit led.

Pray for the pastors/pastor's wives as well, that they will be able to soak up this information, allow God to work and change them if necessary, and be able to apply it to their lives.

Pray for unity.....that there will be an openness among everyone here, a vulnerability and trustworthiness. We want to be able to lay everything out on the table and have a support group for all these pastors. THANK YOU for praying! If you ever have any questions about ANYTHING, please feel free to write me at cec_mexico@hotmail.com That's all for now folks!

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