Friday, September 13, 2013

There and Back Again: Katie’s Tale

It’s hard to believe I was in Canada for three weeks and now I’ve been back in Mexico for over three weeks already, CRAZY! A friend of mine recently commented about the way the time flies by so quickly and if there’s any way we can slow it down...enjoy each moment, each day, and give God the glory for whatever He brings our way. Sometimes we get so caught up in the everyday tasks and our tired bodies complain at times, but taking the time to enjoy and look for the blessings in the midst of the craziness. 

While in Canada I was blessed to be able to spend time with family from Venezuela, North Carolina, Ontario, California/Arizona, and Salmon Arm. It was like a mini reunion and we were all heading out on little “dates” to visit one-on-one with people and I loved it! I am blessed to have family that wants to go deep, that cares about my life and is interested in where my Spiritual walk is at. I also had really good visits with friends, so once again, I am so grateful for the people God has placed in my life to challenge me, encourage me, and walk beside me...even if it’s from Canada! :)
Wups...I’m blabbing a bit. Onto a new topic! So where to begin with the now!?! Just a quick idea of what I’m keeping busy with these days! First off we’re VERY excited to be building a kitchen/dining hall/nursery building for the school!! We need this building desperately and by faith we decided to plan on building it this fall and low and behold, the blueprints are in hand and we hope to start in the next week or two! Our God is what a powerful word meaning loyalconstant, and steadfast. That we can rest in Him...Psalm 108:4 For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Other projects of late are moving. My parents are hoping to move into their new house and I am moving down into their old house! Exciting times! As well we’re putting together some thoughts on a conference for November, we will be meeting with a gentleman soon to make more concrete plans. And then there’s other random things such as; visiting alumni, planning baby showers, hosting a weekly Bible study group, leading worship in church, and so on! 

But I don’t want to bore you any longer so I will close here just so this isn’t a novel! Until next month! :) I hope this finds you enjoying your September. Blessings....may we enjoy each moment as it comes and be able to see the blessings God has placed in our lives, whether BIG or small. HE is faithful, don’t doubt it, look for it! 